
Kilnaughton Bay, Islay

Geological Conservation Review site | GCR #2677 | Structural and Metamorphic Geology | Dalradian

Scotland's geosites are chosen because of their local, national or international importance. Take only photos, leave only footprints: avoid causing any damage to this site. You can walk almost anywhere in Scotland without the need to ask permission or keep to paths, but you have a responsibility to care for your own safety, to respect people's privacy and peace of mind and to cause no damage.

The right of access does not extend to quarries, building sites or any land where public access is prohibited, or to the collection of geological samples.


The only reported occurrence of kyanite in the greenschist-facies rocks of the Dalradian of the south-west Grampian Highlands.

This site shows a well-exposed section from the top of the Jura Quartzite to the lower part of the Scarba Conglomerate. The outcrops contain a variety of sedimentary and tectonic structures from which much of the environmental, metamorphic and tectonic history can be deduced. The occurrence of psuedomorphs of kyanite is out-of-sequence in terms of Barrovian zones.

More information on GeoGuide

David Webster

Oct. 13, 2015

NR 3470 4452

Damage to kyanite locality by indiscriminate collector. The best exposed slab has been chiselled out.

David Webster

Aug. 29, 2014

NR 3470 4452

Exposure of Jura Quartzite at the kyanite locality

David Webster

Aug. 29, 2014

NR 3470 4452

Blades of kyanite - much of the original kyanite has been replaced by fine-grained pyrophyllite and kaolinite

David Webster

(PDF) pdf file of Excursion 9 from 'A Guide to the Geology of Islay; 2025 Edition

David Webster

(PDF) GCR description - extract from Tanner et al (2013).