Kincraig Point
Geological Conservation Review site | GCR #909 | Quaternary Geology | Quaternary of Scotland
Geological Conservation Review site | GCR #909 | Quaternary Geology | Quaternary of Scotland
Scotland's geosites are chosen because of their local, national or international importance. Take only photos, leave only footprints: avoid causing any damage to this site. You can walk almost anywhere in Scotland without the need to ask permission or keep to paths, but you have a responsibility to care for your own safety, to respect people's privacy and peace of mind and to cause no damage.
This site is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly damage the protected natural features of a SSSI, and this includes unauthorised sample collection.
The right of access does not extend to quarries, building sites or any land where public access is prohibited, or to the collection of geological samples.
Kincraig Point is of notable geomorphological interest for its exceptionally well-displayed sequence of raised shoreline forms, perhaps the best, and best known in Scotland. The features, which are particularly striking when seen in profile from the west, comprise four late-glacial and post-glacial shoreline benches cut in the bedrock of volcanic agglomerate. In addition, the site includes an intertidal rock platform.