About the Scottish Geology Trust Geosites Project

Scotland has over 1000 sites that are designated as important for geology and geomorphology at a national or local level. The Scottish Geology Trust’s Geosites project aims to build a map and database for all of these sites, to encourage greater awareness and conservation. You can find out more about the project here. Geosites project volunteers are adding information and photographs — get involved.

So far, volunteers have added 2726 photographs to the database, covering 515 geosites. 519 geosites have been annotated with additional information.

Using the map

Select a GCR category of interest to view site locations and zoom in to see site boundaries. Click on a site for more information.

Sources of data

This website uses and presents data from a variety of sources:

See the code

The source code is hosted at https://codeberg.org/dburgess/Geosites. Comments and issues are very welcome.


We are grateful for funding and support for the pilot phase of this project from the following organisations: