
Achanarras Quarry

Geological Conservation Review site | GCR #3242 | Stratigraphy | Non-Marine Devonian

Scotland's geosites are chosen because of their local, national or international importance. Take only photos, leave only footprints: avoid causing any damage to this site. You can walk almost anywhere in Scotland without the need to ask permission or keep to paths, but you have a responsibility to care for your own safety, to respect people's privacy and peace of mind and to cause no damage.

The right of access does not extend to quarries, building sites or any land where public access is prohibited, or to the collection of geological samples.


The GCR site at Achanarras Quarry provides a rare section through the Achanarras Limestone Member and its contacts with the overlying and underlying strata of the Upper and Lower Caithness Flagstone groups. The limestone member is a valuable stratigraphical marker bed for correlation within the Orcadian Basin, and contains a remarkable fossil fish fauna of international importance. The lithofacies record the transgression and regression of a lacustrine environment, possibly recording the maximum transgression by the Orcadian Basin lake. Lacustrine deposition of the fine laminites
was controlled by seasonal increased algal productivity and the resulting changes in lake water chemistry. The organic laminae are the product of decay of seasonal algal blooms, the carbonate laminae were deposited during periods when increased photosynthesis raised the pH of the lake waters. The fine-grained clastic laminae were deposited from suspension of material introduced to the lake, probably mainly during periods of seasonal rainfall and increased run-off.
(From ORS volume September 2004)

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